Credit: Above ad was published in Wheaten Wags Spring 2018 issue. Thankyou Teresa Gustafson, Editor.
PEDIGREE for MUNRO - Click on pedigree below to see a larger version.
Credit: Above ad was published in Wheaten Wags Spring 2018 issue. Thankyou Teresa Gustafson, Editor.
PEDIGREE for MUNRO - Click on pedigree below to see a larger version.
Peggy Gale
Sudbury, Ontario
Sexy like Marilyn:
17.5" T - 33 lbs - 17.5" L
Earset and eyelashes to die for
Michel Bouchard, Quebec
Darle Heck, Alberta
Bill Walkey, British Columbia
Peter Machen, Ontario
Peggy Beisel-McIlwaine, USA
Luiz Ribas Silva, Brazil
Jim Reynolds, Ontario
John Reeve-Newson, Ontario
and many more who continued to place Munro in Group.
CKC# DS675808
AKC# RN31265001
DNA PLN Homozygous Neg.
PennHip: DI = 0.3, degree of hip laxity, top 5% of Distraction Index for breed