Pinehome Champions

Wheaten Terrier Champions

We're proud of every Wheaten terrier we breed and of all their activities and successes.

When a dog is shown in the conformation ring, it is competing against other wheaten terriers to determine which wheaten best meets the breed standards.  Standards are characteristics that best define a wheaten including size, coat colour and quality, head shape, body shape, eye colour, teeth, nose and tail.  A Champion (Ch.) dog has proven that it meets the breed standard and worthy to enter a breeding program. Pinehome's priority with each breeding is to improve the breed.  Sires are carefully chosen to best complement the qualities of the dam.

We have bred Wheatens exclusively for over 35 years.  Produced over 25 Canadian champions, several Grand Champions and American Champions. Wins have included multiple Best Puppy in Shows, Best Bred by Exhibitor in Shows and Group placements. Also competed in the United States at the Montgomery Terrier Specialty in Pennsylvania, where over 100 Wheatens will compete.  'Seamus' won Reserve Winners Dog in 2005, 'Guinness' won Winners Dog in 2009 and 'Fionn' won Best of Winners in 2023.

Photos of a few of our champions are below.  'Fionn' and 'Mulligan' are currently available for placement to new homes. Please contact me to discuss any of my dogs.

More information on individual dogs can be obtained through Links on the right.  Check out Guinness link for an example of a 'Foster Home' and Spicy link for an example of  a 'Show Home'.





Click below for more photos, pedigree and info on: